With fingernails that shine like justice...

and a voice that is dark like tinted glass, she is fast, thorough and sharp as a tack. She is touring the facility and picking up slack...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Sarah! Come to bed!

The last few days have been emotional. With Hubs being in pain, me having a horrible chest cold, and the likelyhood of a wake in my future, I have broken down and cried several times.

My Grammy, who turned 100 in July, will probably die very soon. It was a goal for her to hit 100, but now that she's done it, she's lost all her spunk. All she talks about now is going to see Grampa Homer, that is, when she's not sleeping.

I'm sure we'll be going to CA soon, to see her off. We don't like to call them funerals in my family...we celebrate the lives of those we've lost, and usually throw one hell of a party. Hers will be memorable, to say the least.

When we were little and stayed with my grandparents, my Grammy would always stay up after everyone had gone to bed, cleaning up and having some quiet time alone. After a little while of hearing her softly shuffle through the house, we would always hear my Grampa's booming voice break through the quiet, calling to her. "Sarah! Come to bed!"

It never failed that she would answer him, "Hold your horses, Homer, I'm coming!....Your feet better not be cold!"

I will miss you you, Grammy. I am so grateful to have you in my life. I'm am most grateful that Blaine got a chance to know and love you, too.