P.S.S.- Choosy Moms

I find this one particularly UN-funny because I have a jar of the tainted peanut butter in MY frige. Its sealed in a bag, awaiting testing, if needed. We are part of the class action suit against Con-Agra. I made PB&Js for my husband and daughter for a couple of months with that crap. It was on sale when I bought it, so I bought a few. We went through a jar, or two, and a half before the recall. Hubs and Blaine were sick, intermittently, for well over two months. I never got sick because I don't eat peanut butter. I feel tremendous guilt for continuing, although unknowingly, to feed my family something tainted, that made them ill. I wondered why the stomch flu was SO pervasive...I insisted that I never got sick because I wash my hands so much, and that they could learn a valuable lesson from me. Little did I know, there was another reason for their illnesses and my apparent good health.
I've never been party in a law suit before and I don't know what to expect from it....I'm just angry that my family was continually made sick, and that every time it was because I made them a sandwich. Now my stomach turns, just thinking about it.
Labels: family, guilt, Post Secret's Secret, sickness
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