GIRLS ROCK! Opens March 7th!!!!

Hey! Thats my kid on guitar!
Blaine has been going to Rock'n'Roll Camp for Girls every summer since she was 9 (she'll be 14 soon) and it has made a profound impact on her life. RRC4G gives girls a safe place to find their voice, raise it up and express themselves in ways that empower them.
As a parent, it is astounding to see the transformation that takes place over the course of one short week. At Camp's concluding showcase, these once shy, little girls take the stage as seething musical behemoths whose hearts and voices refuse to go unheard. It is absolutely beautiful.
Go see this movie.
Oh!....And look what else she's been up to....
Introducing, the world's next best thing to Rock Camp.....JUNIOR ROLLER DERBY!!!

Thats my kid....otherwise known as Whamsday Addams, of the The Kitsap Derby Brats. I'm head coach, by the way.....
Labels: Blaine, derby, Girls Rock, movie, music, news, Rock Camp
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