Sunday, September 24, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Bumbershoot pictures
I FINALLY found the cord for the camera...
The first show we saw was The Gossip. I ♥ Beth Ditto! All of their albums have been in heavy rotation at our house since the show. We were too far away for good band pics, but I did some excellent people watching...

The tickets I won included a very intimate mini concert for The End radio listeners, called an End Session. We were four of only about forty in attendance. Hawthorne Heights played a respectable 10 song set.
I must admit, I wasn't much of a fan beforehand, but I really like HH now. Their three guitar sound is really rich and really loud. The guys had fun playing for us and it showed.
Blaine's friend, Aerin, was giddy at the sight of rockstar boys and couldn't believe that they shook her hand and took pictures with them.
"Like. Oh. My. Gawd!! He actually TOUCHED me!!"

Blaine, on the other hand, lusted after Micah's guitar. When they finished their set, the guys handed out their set lists and drum sticks. Somebody shouted "Hey! Can I have a pick?!" The guys handed out the picks they had...then Blaine shouted to Micah,
"Hey! Can I have your Gibson?!"

Oh. And Yellowcard also played....a crappy, rushed, acoustic set of 3 songs, wrought with technical difficulties. And they were assholes, too.
After the End Session, we went over to the rock art exhibit called Flatstock and checked out all the cool concert posters.
We ate footlong corndogs on the grass and listened to a DJ, whose name I can't recall, mixing it up at the Bumbrella stage.
That evening, we went to the mainstage to see the BIG show. Hawthorne Heights, Yellowcard, and AFI.
I was, once again, impressed by HH's musicality. They are good performers that don't rely on a stage show to give a good concert. It was all about the rock. Except for their introduction by Darth Vader and his Storm Troopers, I was again, unimpressed by Yellowcard. And AFI...ugh...had a ridiculous wintery stage set with white speaker stacks, trees and fog...and they all wore matching white outfits. Bleh. It left a bad taste in my mouth. I really regret not leaving early and going to see Lady Sovereign.
I've decided that those who can rock, DO...
And those who can't,
give a fabulous light show.
All in all it was a great day. We saw some awesome bands, some cool art and made some fun memories!

The first show we saw was The Gossip. I ♥ Beth Ditto! All of their albums have been in heavy rotation at our house since the show. We were too far away for good band pics, but I did some excellent people watching...

The tickets I won included a very intimate mini concert for The End radio listeners, called an End Session. We were four of only about forty in attendance. Hawthorne Heights played a respectable 10 song set.
I must admit, I wasn't much of a fan beforehand, but I really like HH now. Their three guitar sound is really rich and really loud. The guys had fun playing for us and it showed.
Blaine's friend, Aerin, was giddy at the sight of rockstar boys and couldn't believe that they shook her hand and took pictures with them.
"Like. Oh. My. Gawd!! He actually TOUCHED me!!"

Blaine, on the other hand, lusted after Micah's guitar. When they finished their set, the guys handed out their set lists and drum sticks. Somebody shouted "Hey! Can I have a pick?!" The guys handed out the picks they had...then Blaine shouted to Micah,
"Hey! Can I have your Gibson?!"

Oh. And Yellowcard also played....a crappy, rushed, acoustic set of 3 songs, wrought with technical difficulties. And they were assholes, too.
After the End Session, we went over to the rock art exhibit called Flatstock and checked out all the cool concert posters.
We ate footlong corndogs on the grass and listened to a DJ, whose name I can't recall, mixing it up at the Bumbrella stage.
That evening, we went to the mainstage to see the BIG show. Hawthorne Heights, Yellowcard, and AFI.
I was, once again, impressed by HH's musicality. They are good performers that don't rely on a stage show to give a good concert. It was all about the rock. Except for their introduction by Darth Vader and his Storm Troopers, I was again, unimpressed by Yellowcard. And AFI...ugh...had a ridiculous wintery stage set with white speaker stacks, trees and fog...and they all wore matching white outfits. Bleh. It left a bad taste in my mouth. I really regret not leaving early and going to see Lady Sovereign.
I've decided that those who can rock, DO...
And those who can't,
give a fabulous light show.
All in all it was a great day. We saw some awesome bands, some cool art and made some fun memories!

Monday, September 18, 2006
17 years
September 17th, 1989
It seems like no time at all, and it seems like forever. We were young. We met in January, moved in together in March, got engaged in April(on my birthday) and married in September. This was on our wedding invitation:
Every single word still rings true. I love you Hubs. Thanks for being my soulmate.
It seems like no time at all, and it seems like forever. We were young. We met in January, moved in together in March, got engaged in April(on my birthday) and married in September. This was on our wedding invitation:
Whatever I say
means more when
you listen
Whatever I think
means more when
you understand
Whatever I do
means more when
you are there
Whatever happens to me
means more if
I can share it with you
Every single word still rings true. I love you Hubs. Thanks for being my soulmate.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
"Overheard" on a blog....
Get off the cross, we need the wood to build a Planned Parenthood.
Wicked brilliant.
Wicked brilliant.
Back to School
Back to school and back into the rhythm of early risings and mornings to myself...
I thought it would be more welcome than this. I really thought I couldn't wait for school to start, to have some alone time. I was wrong. I'm kinda sad about it. I know I complained, but it was really nice having Blaine around this summer. I've watched her grow so much and evolve over the past few months, that I'm really starting to like her. Not just love my daughter, but to really LIKE her.
The start of the school year comes with the usual trappings. I wrote of my woes about shopping for clothes and the distain I felt for doing it. But now I know why I hated it so much. Sizes are arbitrary. They have NO RELEVENT MEANING WHATSOEVER. I think the fashion industry does this on purpose to keep people shopping, to make it a never ending saga. Of all the items of clothing purchased for Blaine this year, there is not one common size. We have everything from XS to XLG and we puchased pants in a myriad of sizes, from girls sizes 12 to 14, junior sizes 1 to 3/4, and even a skirt in little girls size 7/8. WTF?
Blaine tried out for the volleyball team. I didn't want to crush her hopes, but I knew she would be cut. Not much call for a 4'10" spiker. At try-outs, the other girls towered over her. But she was a trooper, she stuck it out and gave it her all. I'm proud of her for trying, and for seeing it to the end. I think the only reason she tried out was because her friends Joanie and Tiffany did. They both made the team.
We are dealing now, with the evolution of friendships. Her friendship with Joanie is going through major changes, and they are drifting farther and farther apart. They have been best friends since the 2nd grade, so it is understandibly a difficult time for Blaine. It is gut wrenching to witness and my motherly words of understanding do not lessen the hurt she feels. To see Blaine engage in almost desperate acts to maintain her status as "Joanie's best friend" is painful. You see, there is a new girl in the picture. Tiffany arrived on the scene towrds the end of the last school year. Blaine and Joanie both took a liking to and included her. Over the summer while Blaine has been busy with drama and Rock Camp, Joanie and Tiffany have become closer. Now it seems that Blaine and Tiffany have changed roles. Blaine is no longer Joanie's main friend, she is on the periphery and they sometimes exclude her. It is devestating to her. And it is devestating to witness. I know her pain. I felt it too as a girl. But that doesn't matter. In her eyes, I will never understand. Hubs doens't see what the big deal is...get over it, move on, make new friends. He has no understanding of the depth of importance friendships are to girls at this age. Blaine is, unkowingly, already finding the remedy. She doesn't have any classes in common with Joanie or Tiffany, so she is forced to talk to other people. She is making new friends. I know it will be a bumpy road, and I know this difficult time will pass, but not without more tears. Hers and mine.
I thought it would be more welcome than this. I really thought I couldn't wait for school to start, to have some alone time. I was wrong. I'm kinda sad about it. I know I complained, but it was really nice having Blaine around this summer. I've watched her grow so much and evolve over the past few months, that I'm really starting to like her. Not just love my daughter, but to really LIKE her.
The start of the school year comes with the usual trappings. I wrote of my woes about shopping for clothes and the distain I felt for doing it. But now I know why I hated it so much. Sizes are arbitrary. They have NO RELEVENT MEANING WHATSOEVER. I think the fashion industry does this on purpose to keep people shopping, to make it a never ending saga. Of all the items of clothing purchased for Blaine this year, there is not one common size. We have everything from XS to XLG and we puchased pants in a myriad of sizes, from girls sizes 12 to 14, junior sizes 1 to 3/4, and even a skirt in little girls size 7/8. WTF?
Blaine tried out for the volleyball team. I didn't want to crush her hopes, but I knew she would be cut. Not much call for a 4'10" spiker. At try-outs, the other girls towered over her. But she was a trooper, she stuck it out and gave it her all. I'm proud of her for trying, and for seeing it to the end. I think the only reason she tried out was because her friends Joanie and Tiffany did. They both made the team.
We are dealing now, with the evolution of friendships. Her friendship with Joanie is going through major changes, and they are drifting farther and farther apart. They have been best friends since the 2nd grade, so it is understandibly a difficult time for Blaine. It is gut wrenching to witness and my motherly words of understanding do not lessen the hurt she feels. To see Blaine engage in almost desperate acts to maintain her status as "Joanie's best friend" is painful. You see, there is a new girl in the picture. Tiffany arrived on the scene towrds the end of the last school year. Blaine and Joanie both took a liking to and included her. Over the summer while Blaine has been busy with drama and Rock Camp, Joanie and Tiffany have become closer. Now it seems that Blaine and Tiffany have changed roles. Blaine is no longer Joanie's main friend, she is on the periphery and they sometimes exclude her. It is devestating to her. And it is devestating to witness. I know her pain. I felt it too as a girl. But that doesn't matter. In her eyes, I will never understand. Hubs doens't see what the big deal is...get over it, move on, make new friends. He has no understanding of the depth of importance friendships are to girls at this age. Blaine is, unkowingly, already finding the remedy. She doesn't have any classes in common with Joanie or Tiffany, so she is forced to talk to other people. She is making new friends. I know it will be a bumpy road, and I know this difficult time will pass, but not without more tears. Hers and mine.